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What Can I Mix With Triple Sec

What Can I Mix With Triple Sec

Triple sec cocktails have a reputation for their intense citrus and tropical flavors. In fact, it'south one of the all-time-selling citrus liqueurs in the globe.

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Triple Sec liqueur is instrumental in cocktail recipe concepts such as the Margarita and Cosmo. Below, we'll learn what makes triple Sec drinks and so special.

triplc sec cocktails

What is Triple Sec?

Commencement, Triple Sec represents a category of dry orange liqueur. It's a French word that translates in English language to "Triple Dry." In most liquor stores, yous can find many makers of Triple Sec. These are typically lower-finish versions, with Cointreau being considered amid the higher-end offerings.

The give-and-take too refers to how the spirit is made using triple distillation to process the neutral booze base with the flavoring provided later on using the skins of unripened oranges, which are bitter (dry) instead of sweet.

However, there is some dispute concerning the term "Triple Sec," as Cointreau claims they originated the term. They say "Triple" defines the three types of orange peel they utilize in their liqueur. They utilise stale and fresh sweetness peels and stale bitter peels. At the same time, the term "Sec" refers to how Cointreau has less sugar compared to other brands. Since the Cointreau is higher-quality than near other Triple Sec brands, it needs less sugar to soften the bite of its rougher spirits.

Triple Sec is based on a neutral spirit derived from sugar beet, a neutral quality source compared to spirits fabricated from wine, grain, or sugar cane. They and so steep dried orange pare in the neutral alcohol before re-distilling it. The result is a strong liqueur with an intense orangish flavor blended with h2o, powdered beet sugar, and an additional neutral spirit.

The oranges used in Triple Sec are picked green when they are at the height of their aromatic acme. If the oranges are immune to ripen, the fruit will draw in the peel'due south essential oils, which creates the flavour of Triple Sec.


Triple Sec originated in French republic and dates back to 1834 when Jean-Baptiste Combier invented the drink at his distillery located in Saumur, France. In 1849, Edouard-Jean Cointreau and his blood brother Adolphe established a distillery in Angers, French republic, he later passed on to his son, Edouard-Jean Cointreau, in 1875, thus starting the brand known as Cointreau.

Still, while the French invented the Triple Sec style of liqueur, they were not the first to create alcohol using orangish peels. That distinction belongs to the Dutch. The Dutch were the first to re-distill dried exotic orange peels shipped from locales such equally Curacao.

How much alcohol is in Triple Sec?

Triple Sec ordinarily contains between 20 and 40 percent ABV (booze past volume). However, improve quality liqueurs, such every bit Cointreau, may have an ABV between 38 and 42 percent.

How much does Triple Sec price?

Many Triple Sec brands are relatively inexpensive, with a 375-milliliter bottle costing between $vii-$10 and a 750-milliliter bottle costing between $ten-$fifteen.

However, Cointreau costs between $20-$25 for a 350-milliliter bottle, while a 750-milliliter canteen can run between $30 and $35.

What is Triple Sec used for?

Triple Sec is used chiefly to brand cocktails, although you can potable information technology straight in the form of shots. And, there are hundreds if non thousands of drinks to brand with Triple Sec.

It likewise pairs well with Cognac, pineapple juice, orangish zest, lemon lime soda, sweet vermouth, champagne, and cranberry juice for some amazing Triple Sec drinks.

Below, we'll show you 11 terrific Triple Sec drink recipes that really evidence off this liqueur'south versatility and outstanding season.


1. White Lady

The White Lady cocktail is one of those Triple Sec mixed drinks that's the epitome of sophistication and class. It'due south much similar a classic sour just adds Triple Sec into the mix to add more of a sweet citrus flavour to the gin and lemon.

This cocktail is well-known as the favored cocktail of the famed comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. Legend has it they drank quite a few of these drinks at the Savoy while touring in London.

The cocktail is believed to be the creation of a famous bartender named Harry McElhone, who's said to have invented it at the Ciro Society in London in 1919.


2. Pegu Lodge

This 1920's drinkable was named later the place where it was invented, the Pegu Club, an establishment in Yangon, Myanmar. The get-go mention of this cocktail was in Harry McElhone's 1923 recipe book. This sophisticated cocktail is a blend of strong citrus notes with a very herbal finish.

The drinkable too uses 2 bitters, Triple Sec and Genever and Genever gin with lime juice and a lime twist for garnish.


3. Blood-red Sangria

Sangria is a deliciously bold, fruity, and refreshing drink that's the perfect residual of sweet and dry. Information technology traditionally uses pieces of fruit such as oranges, pineapple, cranberry, lime, and lemon. In addition, this recipe uses white sugar, chilled ruddy wine, Triple Sec with a splash of brandy (optional). Garnish with an orange piece or lime wedge.

This recipe is sweet only not overpowering like so many Sangria recipes and really celebrates the citrus notes by adding slices of citrus fruits. The carmine vino also brings a dry sweetness flavour.


4. Triple Sec Sidecar

The Sidecar is a classic drink that came about during World War I betwixt 1914 and 1918. While there are several origin stories for this cocktail, 1 that people deem the most credible suggests information technology was invented in Paris, French republic, by Frank Meir, who worked at the Ritz Carlton hotel bar.

Every bit for its name, the well-nigh popular fable is that information technology's named later a U.Southward. military officeholder who always arrived at the bar in a motorcycle sidecar.

This drink is traditionally garnished with a lemon or lime wedge.


5. Cosmopolitan

The Cosmopolitan is one of the near famous cocktails globally and has a reputation for class, sophistication, and style. This cute drinkable is a flavorful mix of cranberry juice, Cointreau (or Triple Sec), fresh lime juice, Absolut Citron, with a lemon or lime twist for garnish.

The primeval known version of this drink was found in a recipe book called Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Confined, published in 1934. The drink was referred to as the "Cosmopolitan Daisy" and used only gin and raspberry syrup.


six. Triple Sec Margarita

The Margarita is a tequila drink served in a cocktail glass that represents the spirit of "party time." Information technology'due south a drink y'all think of as y'all imagine yourself sitting on a cute Mexican beach. This version adds notes of citrus using Triple Sec.

As for its origins, in that location are many versions, every bit with so many cocktails. Yet, the most popular source credits a bartender named Daniel Negrete, who in 1936 accidentally invented the drink afterwards his girlfriend ordered a potable called the "Magnolia."

Danny knew some of the ingredients merely didn't know that the gin made the Magnolia. So instead, he accidentally used tequila. And when his girlfriend pointed this out, he smoothly lied, saying he thought she asked for a "Margarita."


7. Long Isle Iced Tea

When it comes to boozy cocktails with a reputation for sitting you down difficult, few match the potency of the Long Isle Ice Tea drink. This cocktail traditionally uses several spirits, such equally tequila, rum, vodka, gin, and Triple Sec. And ironically, it doesn't comprise tea equally an ingredient!

Despite the number of spirits, this drink goes down real smooth in a chilled highball drinking glass.


8. Betwixt the Sheets

A cocktail with a swish all the same very suggestive proper name is Between the Sheets with lots of graphic symbol and a sassy, bright, and citrusy flavor.

This tangy drink is a twist on the classic Sidecar that includes white rum, Triple Sec, Cognac, and lemon (or lime) juice for a unique experience.


nine. Triple Sec Mimosa

The Mimosa has become a standard beverage for just nigh whatsoever brunch, baby, or bridal shower. This succulent, celebratory potable is usually fabricated by mixing orange juice with champagne. However, this version adds Triple Sec for a more robust, crisper citrus taste that packs a bit more than of a wallop.

You can also substitute the champagne for Prosecco, which offers a slightly sweeter and more than nuanced flavor.

Garnish with an orange, lemon, or lime piece.

Source: momsdinner.internet

10. Pomegranate Martini

When almost folks retrieve of Martinis, they retrieve of the traditional "James Bail" recipe that uses gin, vodka, dry out vermouth, and a lemon peel. And, of form, it's shaken in a cocktail shaker, "not stirred."

Withal, many different kinds of Martinis offer a much sweeter and more than flavorful experience, such as the Pomegranate Martini that uses vodka, Triple Sec, pomegranate juice, sugar, fresh orange, with the option of pomegranate arils.

This trendy holiday cocktail really captures the season's festive spirit.

You tin can use orange, lime, or lime slices for garnish.


11. Aqueduct

The aqueduct is an exciting cocktail that uses the flavors of apricot brandy, lime juice, vodka, and Triple Sec (or Curacao) for a deliciously unique flavor.

Every bit for its name, some believe that it was initially made with Blue Curacao, which gives the drink a beautiful green/bluish water advent reminiscent of the aqueducts in aboriginal Rome.

Also, hither's a video showing how to make another one of the nigh popular Triple Sec recipes called the "Kamekaazi."

Garnish with a lime or lemon twist.

xi Tantalizing Triple Sec Cocktails

These recipes are sure to please. So, get together your family and friends and savour. Let u.s.a. know your thoughts!

  • White Lady
  • Pegu Club
  • Crimson Sangria
  • Triple Sec Sidecar
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Triple Sec Margarita
  • Long Isle Iced Tea
  • Between the Sheets
  • Triple Sec Mimosa
  • Pomegranate Martini
  • Aqueduct

Select your favorite recipe.
Organize all the required ingredients.
Enjoy the food.

Permit the states know how it was!

Cassie Marshall

Cassie brings decades of experience to the Kitchen Community. She is a noted chef and avid gardener. Her new volume "Healthy Eating Through the Garden" volition exist released shortly. When not writing or speaking well-nigh food and gardens Cassie can be found puttering effectually farmer's markets and greenhouses looking for the next dandy idea.

Cassie Marshall

What Can I Mix With Triple Sec

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